Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a place for people from different churches and denominations to gather with the express purpose of worshiping God together; with the primary vehicle for worship being music, prayer, and corporate singing. The specific aim is that reFuel attendees would be strengthened in their faith, encouraged by the community of believers, refreshed by the presence and power of God, drawn to know our Savior more intimately, and reenergized to live more devoted lives in His service in their families, workplace, neighborhoods and churches.

The reFuel Event

The reFuel event is dedicated to worshipping God through contemporary/modern music and prayer. Specifically designed to allow attendees the opportunity to linger in God’s presence, the worship time encourages attendees to respond to God as they feel led. The atmosphere is causal and is set to help facilitate intimate worship and undistracted focus on God. Worshippers express themselves to God in a variety of ways: hands raised and/or standing, kneeling, clapping, singing, praying and sometimes even dancing.

A unique feature of reFuel is that the entire night is dedicated to worship through music and the arts (primarily painting). Often the worship leader will give exhortations, read scripture and/or lead times of prayer during the course of worship; however the night does not include a formal teaching or planned sermon. ReFuel events do include a love offering to allow attendees the opportunity to give toward the expenses of the monthly event as they are led. Since there are no paid staff members all proceeds go directly toward the costs associated with the event itself.

Our Ministry Leaders

Brent Helming is a seasoned worship leader and teacher who has spent over 20 years in a variety of ministry and pastoral positions. He has overseen worship ministries in both small and large churches as well as taught and lead worship for conferences both nationally and internationally. Brent’s songs have been recorded by both Vineyard and Maranatha! Music, as well as various christian artists, such as By The Tree. He has also been a featured writer, as well as guest editor, for “Inside Worship” magazine and has contributed articles on worship for various websites and publications. Brent is the Pastor of Worship at Vineyard North San Diego in Oceanside, CA and resides in the North County of San Diego with his wife, Kelly.
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After a radical and profound born-again experience in 1984, Kelly made a life-long commitment to Jesus. Her journey led her quickly into service through playing the piano/keyboard and leading worship at her local church. The Lord has continued to see fit to use her to help facilitate corporate worship through music. Throughout the seasons of her walk with Christ, one constant has remained: her service to him as a worshipper through music. Kelly has co-written many songs with her husband, Brent and ministers with him at Vineyard North San Diego.
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“..but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah 40:31